Sustainability: EC One
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SustainableAt EC One we believe to be sustainable you need to meet certain verifiable social and environmental criteria that increase your public transparency and hold you legally accountable. That is why we sought third party accreditation through the B Corp assessment in 2018. This assessment took 9 months to complete and involved evaluating every element of the business. We were so proud to be awarded B Corp certification in July 2019. |
Made in LondonOur jewellery is all made in our workshop which is located at the back of our Exmouth Market boutique. We walk or cycle to nearly all of our major suppliers, creating zero carbon footprint and supporting the local trade and community. |
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Recycled MetalAfter some consideration, and lengthy research, we believe the most responsible option for us is to use 100% recycled metals wherever possible. This is because it gives us greater traceability and transparency, whilst also reducing our environmental footprint. |
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Conflict Free DiamondsAt EC One we know the country of origin of 80% of our natural mined diamonds. This means we can guarantee the conditions under which they were mined and that they are from conflict-free areas and adhere to the Kimberly Process. |
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GemstonesAt EC One we take our stone sourcing seriously. We know first hand that getting a supply of traceable stones is not easy. That means not just knowing the country of origin but also investigating the working conditions and the way in which they are mined and cut. That is why we work hard in conjunction with our local stone dealers to know the provenance of our stones and do not shy away from asking awkward and direct questions. |
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CraftAt the core of EC One is our Workshop; it is an integral part of who we are. It’s a place in which we celebrate, showcase and preserve Goldsmithing skills. As a company we believe in training up the next generation of Goldsmiths through our four year apprenticeship program, with the ambition to keep this valuable craft alive. |
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EmpowermentAt EC One we are a supportive team of empowered women (with the odd man thrown in for good measure!). All of our employees earn more than the London Living Wage. As a business we want wherever possible to empower the next generation of goldsmiths, in a traditionally male dominated sector, we are proud to have three female Goldsmiths at the bench. |